> I love art. some more, some less. In my personal collection, I have a few pieces by an amazingly talented artist, Holly Mae (now Olivia Mae) Pendergast. I am drawn to her work--especially her people. They're so alive, and have so much emotion. I typically am not drawn to landscapes, but when I saw hers, I felt the same pull that I do to her people. I love this one (it hangs in my bedroom). "Pines & Water". I love the colors, the abstract quality, but how it also looks exactly like reflections of pine trees in a lake. I love hiking, so maybe that's why this one was especially "real" to me.
> Holly sent me a link to her recently-finished blog, which I am so impressed with. It's simple, and displays her work beautifully. I felt inspired to put my own blog up, so I put it on my list of things to do. I get great satisfaction when I am able to cross things off that list, so I've been motivated to get started. Now the real challenge comes in keeping it new.